In class writing Obituary 10/23/07

VCR 1986-2007


Late in the year 2007, month and exact date unknown, the VCR, resident of the Beanblossom/Aper residence, was reportedly found dead resting upon the Magnavox Television in the living room. The VCR lived to be 21 years old after its initial manufacturing year of 1986, and was apparently in good health and working condition until an incident with a fauly VHS tape titled "Waterworld, starring Kevin Costner, left it with a broken hinge door, a few lights out, buttons removed by force, and a slower pace of reeling film. The VHS, starring Kevin Costner, was removed and cited for improper reel usage, and was issued a ticket.

The VCR was a graduate of Sony Entertainment, 1986, and did not pursue a higher degree after entering the work force. It is survived by its Magnavox TV, Sony Playstation, an extensive collection VHS collection, used playstation games, and generic reception antenna. After its death it was replaced with its socially valued updated hybrid offspring, the VHS/DVD combination player.

Ceremonies will be held at 9:30 am Sat, Aug. 21,2007 at Saint 901 East Winona Apartments, back alley dumpster site, adjacent to the laundry room, Chicago, IL 60637.

Submitted by Emily on Sun, 10/28/2007 - 4:15pm. Emily's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version